
Monday, August 22, 2011

Wallpaper Should Still Be Loved

Mentioning wallpaper, the first image that comes to mind is this :

Wallpaper has evolved to include many designs and trends that can easily be applied in every room,often on one focal wall.

This beautiful Damask wallpaper has a light pattern that adds interest to the room, yet don't overpower the furniture.

Shiny wallpapers reflect light in your room. Just glamorous.

Grasscloth wallpaper adds texture and warmth to the space. Because on a larger scale the mismatch lines would be obvious, i would prefer to use it on hallways and dens.

Mural wallpaper is simply a piece of art. It can create a theme or a mood in a room. 

Jungle Themed Mural in a kids room

Motivo Crocodile and Motivo Lace are two textured wallcoverings with a glossy finish by CeasarStone , using quartze stone. It can also be used as a countertop and backsplash. Does it get any more luxurious then that? 

Motivo Lace

Embossed wallpaper adds architectural interest to a room. You can paint it any color you want, and in a few years if you get bored, you can re-paint it with another color. This wallpaper can be used on  furniture like a chest, mirror frame..etc to create a custom look.

Embossed wallpaper on mirror frame

Who said wallpapers should only be used on walls?

Some fun wallpapers by Surrealien

Different patterns of the same color shade in one room. 

Wallpaper covering part of the wall making it a focal point.

The two colors complement each other, along with the accessories used, in this open space concept room.

So now you can see that wallpaper glamorizes a room and adds style to it. Another plus, with proper installation, it can be easily removed without any damages.

Thanks for reading.


  1. I love the wallpaper on the ceiling. This inspires me to seek out the textures and monochromatic colors available nowadays.

  2. If you need any advice, let me know. I'd love to help :)

  3. I couldn't agree more! Love the photos and blog. Any recommendations for reasonable but beautiful wallpaper. I always shy away from doing it in my own home because of the cost.

  4. Well If you live in north america, home depot have some wall coverings that are reasonable in price but dont look as awsome, but my best suggestion is, either find wall papers on sale, or chose a focal wall , or part of the focal wall (like the pic above) , and use the wall paper you like. It wont cost much definitely, but will make a big difference . Let me know how it goes :)
